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The procedure of review of scientific materials intended for publication in the journal "Pedagogics. Society. Law"


This review procedure was introduced in order to ensure high quality scientific papers published in a scientific methodical journal "Pedagogics. Society. Law" based on the results of objective evaluation of their scientific content.

  1. All manuscripts submitted to the journal are directed to one of the members of the Editorial Board or an independent expert on the recommendation of the member of the Editorial Board in accordance with their scientific research profile.
  2. Review is an estimated analysis of the scientific article sent for publication in the journal "Pedagogics. Society. Law". The review consists of analysis of the strengths and shortcomings of the material, a brief reproduction of the author’s views and scientific opinion of the reviewer on the main ideas of the author, their interpretation in accordance with the views and beliefs of the reviewer.
  3. The review is mandatory and is done by the editors to determine compliance of the material with scientific focus of publication.
  4. Reviewers are informed that the manuscripts are subject to copyright. The review is confidential. The author has the opportunity to review the text of the review in the event of disagreement with the reviewer's conclusions.
  5. The reviews containing recommendation for publication of the material in the journal, along with the material of the author are delivered to the editorial office.
  6. The review covers the following issues: a) if the content of the article corresponds with the title of the article; b) whether or not the article meets the modern achievements of the scientific-theoretical ideas; c) availability of the article to the readers for whom it is intended, from the point of view of language, style, structure, visualization of tables, charts, drawings and formulas, d) whether it is reasonable to publish an article based on a previously issued material; e) what exactly are the positive aspects and shortcomings of the article, what kind of corrections and additions should be made by the author. After reviewing the article the following decision is taken: a) recommended for publication b) recommended for publication with amendments introduced by the reviewer c) is not recommended.
  7. If there is a reference to correction of the article in the review, then the article is sent back for revision. In this case the date of submission of the article shall be the date of return of the modified article.
  8. The material is published in the journal provided that it was given a positive review by scientists who are experts on the profile of peer-reviewed materials.
  9. The original review remains in the archives of the editorial office for five years and, if necessary, will be sent to Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
  10. Not reviewed:

- articles of Doctors of Science;
- articles presented on scientific, technical, methodological councils of scientific organizations and universities with a written opinion of the council “recommended for publication”.

ВСЭИ: The procedure of review
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