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Journal "Pedagogics. Society. Law" - 2013 г.


№4 (8) 2013


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Sitarov V. A. Pedagogical Interpretation of the «Judgement Day» in the Spiritual-Ethical Education of Youth
Kleptsova Y. Y. Philosophical-Methodological Problems and Bases of the Notion Contents of Humanization of Education
Petrov A. Y., Igonon M. N. A Pedagogical Approach to the Civil Activity Development of the Automobile Training Students
Prozorova M. N. Pedagogical Conditions of Educational Reflection Formation of College Students
Zdorovenko S. A. Formation of Social Partnership on the Level of a Technical Circle in the System of Children’s Supplementary Education in the Kirov Region
Tolmachyova M. E., Vylegzhanina S. Y. A Future Teacher of Physics Experimental Culture in the Context of Formation of the Professional Culture
Shabalina M. R. Development of Students’ Thinking Flexibility in the Process of Problem Solving

Khlus’yanov O. V. The Essence of the Category «Social Adaptation» and «Social Role»: a Comparative Analyses
Kramenskaya V. V. Ethical Socialization of Teenagers in the Conditions of the High North
Maslova N. V. Problems of the Young Specialists Job Placement in the Law and Spiritual-Ethical Context (on the example of Slobodskoy town)

Kovryzhnykh L. A. Problem Questions of the Medical Secrecy Defend

№3 (7) 2013


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Komarova T. S. Integration of Art and Artistic-Creative Activity in the Development of Pre-school Age Children Abilities and Genius
Zatsepina M. B. A Personality Culture is Formed from the Childhood
Glazyrina T. G. Management of Students’ Self-guided Work as a Branch of Innovative Pedagogical Activity
Kuprina A. V. Conception of a Tutor’s Activity in the Students’ Socio-Cultural Development
Yamenko O. P. Specificity of Students’ Motivation Increasing to Self-Guided Work (on the example of distant technologies)
Boltacheva Y. V. Socio-cultural Students’ Development in the Context of a Dormitory Educational Activity

Volchenkova Y. V. Characteristics of Marital Conflicts in the Young Families
Yanovskaya T. A. To the Subject of Students’ Social and Cul tural Activity
Ratiyer N. E. Social Partners Bringing into the Higher Educational Institution Socio-Cultural Activity

Klautsan N. G. Commissioner for Oath in the Russian Empire State Duma of the Second and Third Calling
Kononov P. I., Galin D. A. The State Youth Policy of the Russian Federation

№2 (6) 2013


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Sizov V. S. Innovations in the Education
Aleksandrova N. S. Integration of the Pedagogical and Cultural Knowledge in a Person Spiritual Education
Yabbarova R. A. Traditions of the Folk Pedagogics in the Family Education (on the basis of the Russian and Tatar Culture)
Vylegzhanina S. Y. A Structure of a Person Communicative Activity
Ivanova Y. L. Teachers and Parents Influence on the Pre-school Age Children Moral Development

Barmina Y. A., Zadoroznyy A. N. Socio-psychological Aspects of Tourism Management
Bogovarova O. G. Public Organizations and General Education Institutions Interactions in the Children and Teenagers with the Deviant Behavior Education

Petrova Y. A. Kant Autonomous Ethics and Religious Morality: Common and Various
Butorina T. N. Family Influence on the Teenager Socio-negative Deviant Behavior Formation
Yurkov S. A. Public Danger of Literary Property and Neighboring Rights Breach as the Criminalization Basis

№1 (5) 2013


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Kazakova R. G., Nikitina E. N. The Theoretical Bases for the Formation of Children's Tolerance Through Art Animation
Shchyokina S. S. The Pedagogic Practice Diary as a Way of Development of the Professional-Pedagogical Reflexion
Buldakova N. V. Elective Course Influence «Foreseeing Bases in the Law Practice» on the Foreseeing Ability Development
of the Students
Kolesnikov K. A., Sannikova N. G. Forms of Teacher’s Pedagogical Interaction with Junior Schoolchildren in the Self-Education Formation
Gorodilova S. A. Teenagers’ Ways of Reaction on the Coevals’ Opinion: Factors, Structure and Conditions

Beltukova O. V. Development Peculiarities of Future Medical Workers Social Activity
Kasanina N. V. Formation of Teenagers’ Social Relations Experience in the Modern Conditions
Belyakova L. G. Actual Problems of Children's Genius in the Additional Education System According to the New Law on Education

Belyakov A. A. Actual Problems of International Patent-Legal Cooperation Development

Ognev A. V. Psychological-Pedagogical Support of the Seniors’ Professional Self-Determination
Kudyashev N. P. Skills Formations of Seniors’ Safe Living in the Social Partnership Conditions
Shamsutdinova A. V. Monitoring of the Students’Professional Formation

ВСЭИ: Electronic archive Pedagogics. Society. Law - 2013
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