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Journal "Pedagogics. Society. Law" - 2018 г.


№1 (22) 2018


(File size 850 Kb pdf)

Alexandrovа N.S. Training strategies and opportunities bachelors of pedagogical education in modern conditions
Bratuhina E.V. Organization of the process the formation of social and professional responsibility of the student in the educational environment of the university
Smolyakova G.I. The specifics of corporate training for municipal employees
Alexandrova N.S., Glazyrina T.G. Development of innovation college teachers
Emelyanova E.N. Lyceum book as a form of conflict prevention in gerontological practice

Votinov A.A. Professional and pedagogical formation and development of staff departmental university
Sheremeta T.V. The level of professional competence of employees penal system, trainees in additional vocational education
Rednikov A.A. Competence approachin the formation of social competence of employees

Sharov S.S. Lifelong education. Design competence workers of the agro-industrial complex
Vakhitov B.I. Personal Security Culture: on the example of organizational culture
Krapivina V.V. Student government as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon
Zhuikova N.S. The history of the formation of the orthoepic norms of the Russian language

ВСЭИ: Electronic archive Pedagogics. Society. Law - 2018
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