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Journal "Pedagogics. Society. Law" - 2017 г.


№1 (21) 2017


(File size 850 Kb pdf)

Alexandrovа N.S. Model of the educational space of higher education in the modern sociocultural situation
Faleevа L.V. Socialization of the student's personality: approaches, mechanisms and stages
Zakharishcheva M.A., Khvataeva N.P. Motivating and demotivating factors of professional activity in the institution of additional education for children
Faleevа L.V. Development of students' research culture

Beltseva E. A., Grigorjeva E. A., Mezentseva T. A. Subject in intercultural communication and social reality
Faleevа L.V. Bratukhina E.V. Socio-professional responsibility as a graduate's professional quality
Mauri А. A., Khlebnikovа N.V. Conflict-free interaction as an indicator a professional management culture
Sheremeta T.V. Methodological approaches to the program of personalizing education staff of the FSIN of Russia

Trushkov S.A. «Judicial war» between European and Russian justice

Vakhitov B.I. Formation of safe behavior of young men as a factor of socialization in modern society

ВСЭИ: Electronic archive Pedagogics. Society. Law - 2017
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