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Journal "Pedagogics. Society. Law" - 2016 г.


№4 (20) 2016


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Alexandrovа N.S. Scientific and pedagogical knowledge: search, development and prospects
Faleevа L.V. Structural analysis of culture and cultural identity in the context of its organizational culture
Mauri А.A. Conflict-free interaction as an indicator a professional management culture

Faleevа L.V., Shamov I.V. Modeling of the process of organization of cultural-educational environment of higher school as the factor of development of corporate culture of students
Khlebnikovа N.V. Adaptation to the profession of students as pedagogical problem
Votinov A.A. Staff and personnel policy of Federal service of execution of punishments

Pomelov V.B. The Vyatka gubernia zemstvo workshop of teaching and visual aids

Vasiliskin T.P. The phenomenon of the system of Maria Montessori
Bratukhina E.V. The socio-professional responsibilities of the individual as a valuable feature of the student
Muskarci M.L. Educational opportunities socio-professional projects In the formation of the personality of students

№3 (19) 2016


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Goncharuk A.Ju. Art-therapeutic possibilities of art in the rehabilitation work with disabled children
Alexandrovа N.S. Methodology and technology of spiritual and moral education of the person

Alexandrovа N.S. Integration of Science in the spiritual education of the individual
Zlygosteva N.I. The role of literature in spiritual and moral formation of the person
Faleeva L.V. The socio-cultural environment of high school as a driving force for education of the individual culture

Zykov A.S. On the question of the qualifications of theft, associated with entry into a home
Cashin E.A. Problems of qualification and the enforcemen of criminal law about the beatings and tortures
Kuznetsov I.Y. On the issue of qualification of crimes committed on grounds of hatred and enmity

Lichutina M.G. Methodological bases of activity of education institutions Social rehabilitation of students
Gurin R.V. Educational specifics of motivation of labor behavior collective

№2 (18) 2016


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Alexandrovа N.S. The phenomenon of folk toys. Artistic and aesthetic education of children means folk toys
Sannikovа Y.P. The specifics of the personal profile of psychology students:look through the prism of professional-important qualities
Vylegzhanina S.Y., Isaevа S.A., Tolmachevа M.I. Additional education in the conditions of high schoolas a mechanismof professional self-determination of schoolboys

Faleeva L.V. The structure of the organizational culture of the person of students from the perspective of the competency approach
Zakharishcheva M.A., Khvataeva N.P., Khvataev A.N. Psychological portrait of a buyer of furniture
Sannikovа Y.P. The distinctive profile of patients suffering from neurosis

Klochkova A.A., Zavgorodniy D.A., Vasiltchenko O.V. Social well-being as an integral characteristic of the attitude of citizens to the development of modern Russia

Makarov E.V. The essence of the social and vocational training beginners employees Russian Federal Penitentiary Service
Khomyakovа V.E. Organizational-pedagogical conditions of formation of business communicative culture of students in the higher education

№1 (17) 2016


(File size 1,2 Mb pdf)

Goncharuk A. Y. Sociocultural-teaching emotivational basis of therapy arts and creativity in light of author of university of science schools
Buldakova N. V. Peculiarities of relations of parents and children of primary school age with cerebral palsy
Sannikovа Y. P. Specificity of anxiety and fear in adulthood (For example, the early, middle and late adulthood)
Gorodilova S. A. Communications Resource Function and the social and psychological family climate

Krylova R. V., Khokhlova V. V. Features of Work of the Hotel Restaurant
Buldakova N. V. The correlation between attitudes towards appearance and characteristics of self – concept women in the period of maturity
Petrovа T. N., Ivanov V. N. Brief description of the innovative model of revitalization of pedagogical interaction of the school and the family in the socialization of children
Gorodilova S. A. The relationship of burnout and style of activity the teachers

Vasilchenko O. V., Zavgorodniy D. A., Klochkova A. A. The role of schools in shaping legal awareness the younger generation
Vasilchenko O. V., Zavgorodniy D. A. Transformation of rural ungraded schools in conditions of a modern Russian society

Pomelov V. B. V.V. Mayakovsky in Vyatka

Vahitov B. Social and cultural background the formation of safe behavior of the individual culture

ВСЭИ: Electronic archive Pedagogics. Society. Law - 2016
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