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Journal "Pedagogics. Society. Law" - 2015 г.


№4 (16) 2015


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Alexandrova N. S. Family Values and Family Relations in the Age of Globalization
Malakhova Y. V., Osokina M. A., Khokhlova V. V. Education Services for the Disabled
Tegza V. A. The main activities of educational psychologist in working with children with autism spectrum disorders
Belyakova L. G. Development of the childish artistic and graphic endowments in the cultural institutions system
Shabalina M. R. Organization of effective independent work of students in modern educational process

Masharova T. V. Educational Potential of the Great Victory Spiritual Heritage
Kleptsova E. Y., Rychkov K. G. The essence of tolerance as a psychological phenomenon
Khokhlova V. V., Bozina T. A. Fashion Industry as a Service and its Staff Potential in Economy
Shaganyan Y. L., Bespyatykh V. I. Franchising in the Governance and Management of Hotel Business

Butorina T. N., Kodolov V. A. Effectiveness Increase of Crimes Prevention among the Youth

Pomelov V. B. Women of Vyatka – the people's heroes: N. A. Durova and A. T. Palshina
Sheynin L. B. The militarized classes of societies in past centuries: deciphered and non-deciphered terminology

Yemelyanova Y. N. A Historical Aspect of the Social Conflicts Searching: From Antiquity to the New Age

№3 (15) 2015


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Alexandrova N. S. Modern Education: a Process of Reaching the Goal or Jog in the Place?
Maury A. A., Pozdnyakov A. V. Regularities and Laws of Managers’ Management Culture Development in the System of Additional Education
Buldakova N. V. Orientation in Space Development of Junior Pupils with Mental Retardation in Schools at Correctional Lessons

Malakhova J. V., Khokhlova V. V. Optimization of Communication in Service Sphere
Buldakova N. V., Korovenskykh K. L. Interconnection of a Person’s Typological Peculiarities and Professional Preferences in Youthhood
Maltseva S. A. A Functional Asymmetry of the Brain and a Person’s Adaptation to the Surrounding World

Pekshev A. V., Kuklin S. V., Popov D. V. Sins’ Retribution: Legitimacy and Justice
Galin D. A., Yaptik D. V. Problematics of the Non-contributory Pensions Statutory Regulation

Pomelov V. B. Kerensky - a Father and a Son

Khlebnikova N. V. Stages and Components of Students’ Professional Adaptation in the Market
Melkova Y. V. Preventative Measures of Sleeping Disorder
Schaslivtsva K. A. Bilingual Children. Perspectives of Early Learning of a Foreign Language

Aleksandrova N. S., Belyakova L. G. Congratulations to the Hero of Anniversary! R. G. Kazakova. is 80!
From the Editor Congratulations to the Hero of Anniversary! A. A. Maury is 50!

№2 (14) 2015


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Sizov V. S. Education of the Future: Tendencies and Perspectives (results of the foresight-researching)
Malakhova Y. V., Khokhlova V. V., Starodumova L. A. Extra Possibilities in the System of Educational Services
Kudryavtsev M. S. An Assay as an Entry Level of Students’ Scientific and Research Work in the Context of the Competence-Based Approach

Goncharuk A. Y. Meeting the challenges of the system of social-russian international relations students as a strategic issues world science
Trushkov S. A. Russian Identity: a Myth or Reality?
Butorina T. N. Disturbing Tendencies of the Teenagers’ Criminality
Kolodovsky A. A. Professional-Behavior Competence of FSEP’s Cadets

Mukhametgalieva D. R. Current Problems of Prescription and Fulfillment of Obligatory and Correctional Tasks

Pomelov V. B. A Heroic Life Of Y. S. Kostrikova, a Daughter of S. M. Kirov.

Yurlov A. A. Condition and Perspectives of Woodworking Enterprises in the Kirov region
Khomyakova V. Y. Characteristic of the Student’s Business Culture in the Context of the Socio-Cultural Phenomenon of the Professionality
Yurlov A. A. Peculiarities of a New Commodity Working out and its Implication on the Market

№1 (13) 2015


(File size 1,8 Mb pdf)

Bashmakova S. B. Computer Games as a Means of the Juniors Rehabilitation with Light Forms of Dysontogenesis
Belyakova L. G. Psycho-pedagogical Features of the Socio-Cultural Adaptation and the Manifestation of Giftedness Quality of Primary Preschoolers
Gorodilova S. A. Attentiveness Development at Pre-school Children with a Common Speech Underdevelopment by Means of Didactical Games
Lukonina I. V., Cheressu A. A. Intellectual Development Peculiarities of a Senior Pre-school Child With Speech Irregularities

Yulov V. F. A Three-level Structure Conception of a Human Consciousness
Malakhova Y. V., Khokhlova V. V. Internet Resource Potential in the Field of Educational Services
Alexandrova N. S., Faleeva L. V. Socio-Cultural Context of a Higher Education Activity as a Factor of Students’ Culture Rising
Barmina E. A. Industrial Management: Philosophy of Economical Production
Vorozhtsova O. G. Regional Aspects of Education Economy

Pomelov V. B. Missionary-Educational Activity of Reverend Tryphon in the Vyatka Region

Dorofeev A. А. Student’s Routine Culture as a Cross-disciplinary Problem

ВСЭИ: Electronic archive Pedagogics. Society. Law - 2015
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