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Journal "Pedagogics. Society. Law" - 2014 г.


№4 (12) 2014


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Goncharuk A. Yu. Analytical Problems of the Socio-pedagogical Education in the Conditions of Society Computerization
Alexandrova N. S. Ethno-cultural Person’s Development in the Modern Society by Means of a Folk Toy

Sizov V. S. Eldership as an Image of Spiritual Guidance
Kapustin А. G. Health Grounds and Physical Fitness of Preinduction and Induction Youth of the Kirov Region

Pekshev А. V. To the Question of Brain-Sick Capability
Gavriluk E. D., Fishcheva T. P. Criminal Penalty Essence: Criminal-Law and Criminologival Aspects
Rogova N. N., Fishcheva T. P. Problems of the Suspended Penalty Appliance

Pomelov V. B. An Outstanding Enlightener of the Vyatka Land – Bishop Lavrenty Gorka
Trushkov S. A. A Specific Character of the Conciliators’ Activity in the Vyatka County (1861-1874)
Timkin Y. N. Russia Political Modernization and Local Self-regulation Formation (Vyatka Province 1917-1921)

Limonova I. V. Tender Age Children Socio-cultural Adaptation in Groups of Short Period Staying

№3 (11) 2014


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Goncharuk A. Yu. Communicative and creative bases of innovative approaches in the moral-aesthetic education of youth in the context of the author's system of socio-pedagogical emotivation
Kazakova R. G., Nikitina E. N. Interaction of Educational Institutions in the Formation of Eexperimental Scientific-educational Environment
Petrov A. Yu., Kuznetsov A. N., Klychkov K. E. Pedagogical Designing of the Educational Process in Athletic Gymnastics

Buldakova N. V. Connection of the Common National Examination Average Score and the Level of the Students’ Academic Motivation
Nikulina E. V., Gorokhova E. N. Connection of the Existential Fullness of Life and the Subjective Locus’ Control in the Growing Age
Shishkina O. V. Modeling Stages of the Upperclassmen’s Professional Self-Determination in the Higher Educational Institutions’ Information Space
Skamnitskaya G. P., Beltyukova O. V. Planning of the Students’ Professional Career in the Modern Conveniences
Shamsutdinova А. V. Specificity of Students’ Social Adaptation in the Modern Socio-Cultural Situation in the Learning Process of a Professional Career Planning
Kochurov M. G. Influence of the Personal Profiles Similarities on the Psychological Compatibility of Young Couples

Maltseva S. A. The Nature Laws and the Ecological Law of the Russian Federation

Pomelov V. B. The Enlightenment Activities of the Reverend Stefan Permsky
Sheinin L. B. Private Debts or Tax Burden? (To the question of serfage origin in Russia)

Sandalova Yu. V. Experience Formation of Medical Courses Students’ Social Relations

№2 (10) 2014


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Sizova Y. N. To the Subject of Motivation Level Increase of the Distance Learning Faculty Students
Petrov Yu. N., Kuznetsov A. N., Klychkov K. E. Development of a student at the training and physical training lessons
Belyakova L. G., Kazakova R. G., Loginova G. B., Tuichieva I. L. Theoretical Substantiation of the Child’s Giftedness in Computer Creative Work Using Game Programs and ICT
Vylegzhanina S. Y. Additional Education as a Sphere of Mission Searching
Maltseva S. A. The Integrated Approach to the Organization of Ecological-Valeological Education of Students Enrolled in Special Speech Pathology Education
Shishkina O. V. Potential of a Higher Professional Institution’s Professional-Cognitive Area in the High-School Students’ Professional Self-Determination

Zlokazova M. V. Polyprofessional Interconnection at Children’s with Frontier Psychological Disorder Help in the Conditions of a General Education School
Alyokhin А. N., Dubinina Y. N. Interpersonal Relationships’ Image of Orphan Teenagers with Mental Deficiency Complicated by Behavioural Disorder
Alyokhin А. N., Litvinenko O. A. Social Convention of Psychological Health Rate

Butorina T. N. Spiritual Education as a Means of Drugs’ Devotion Reduction among Youth
Saratovtseva N. V., Pivovarova Y. Y. Orthodox Regional Study as a Source of Spiritual-Moral and Patriotic Education

Galin D. A. Informal Education as the Sphere of Interconnection and Development of the Educational and Youth Policy

Garipov L. F. Peculiarities of Computer Cognitive Games

№1 (9) 2014


(File size 1,5 Mb pdf)

Skamnitskaya G. P. Students’ Researching Culture Development
Mauri A. A. The Management Culture Status in the Manager’s Professional Development
Seryakova S. B., Maliborskaya I. L. Organizational Culture of the University as a Basis of Motivational-Value Orientations of Students
Petrov Y. N., Petrova N. S. Pedagogical Approaches to the Design Bachelors’ Professional Development
Suleimanova P. V. Pedagogical Conditions of the Students’ Socio-Cultural Competence (on the example of the multinational region)
Maltsev D. N. Development Evaluation of the Physical Qualities at PE Lessons in a Special Medical Group
Yefremenko L. V. Bilingualism Researching in the Historical Aspect and Peculiarities of the Children’s Bilingual Study

Pomelov V. B. The Vyatka Country Council and the Development of Education: to the 150-th anniversary of the country council movement in Russia
Kharin A. N. Birth of Art Nouveau

Yakovlev V. N. Non-demanded New Scientific-Legal Conceptions which are Really Necessary for the Legal System Improvement of the Russia All Fields of Law
Mukhlynina M. M. To some Peculiarities of Anchorage and Development of a «Distant Employment» New Institute in the Russia Labor Legislation

ВСЭИ: Electronic archive Pedagogics. Society. Law - 2014
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