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Requirements for articles


1. Provided material (articles, discussion papers, monographs, reviews) must be original, not published previously in other publications.

2. The manuscript should be presented in Russian, supplied with a title, basic information about the author (surname, initials, position, place of job, academic degree, city, e-mail address), a brief abstract, key words in Russian and English languages.

3. Text volume for the authors, who have no academic degree - up to 20000 typ. units (0,5 printer’s sheet), for those who have an academic degree - up to 40 000 typ. units (1 printer’s sheet).

4. You should use only Arabic figures to mark out certain points in the text or graphic material.

5. At the end of the article the references are listed in accordance with the following example.

6. Bibliographic notes must be in alphabetical order. If you mention or quote something in the text, you should indicate a number of the bibliographic note and a page of the source in square brackets, for example: [25; 61], [12, 1- 8].

7. The text must be in format A4, with one - and- a half line space. Text fields are 2 cm each. Pages should be numbered. When typing a text, you must use the type style "Times New Roman". Text size is 14.

8. Graphic material should be presented in the Annex to the "Word" document, for example, "Microsoft Graph".

9. Mathematical formulas are made using the formula editor “Microsoft Equation 2.0”, with their numbering stamped on the left side.

ВСЭИ: Requirements for articles
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Адрес: г. Киров, ул. Казанская, 91