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Peer-reviewed scientific-methodical journal "Issues of New Economy"


Electronic archive journal
"Issues of New Economy"

The journal was founded in 2006 and registered in the Ministry of the Russian Federation for press, broadcasting and mass communications. Reg. number is PI №FS77-26481.
The specialized scientific-methodical journal "Issues of New Economy" is designed as a place for scientific presentations and discussions on various social and economic issues devoted to “new economy" or "neo-economy”.
The main objective of the journal is distribution on the territory of Russia and foreign countries information about experience of those groups of scientists and educational and scientific organizations for which the journal is the link.
In 17.06.2011 the journal was included into the list of the Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals, where   major scientific results of dissertations for degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences (in the list of HAC) should be published.
Since 2012 the journal "Issues of New Economy" has been registered in the Russian science citation index.

The founder of the journal is Vyatka Social and Economic Institute.

The editor in chief is Sizov Vladimir Sergeevich - Doctor of Economics, Ph.D., Prof, Principal of Vyatka Social and Economic Institute.

The sponsorship: Center of Social Sciences of Moscow State University, Institute of Economic Strategies of Russian Academy of Sciences, Academy of Economic Philosophy (AEP), International Future Research Academy (IFRA).

The main sections of the journal:

New Economy Theory and Practice
Innovative Economy
New World Economy
Regions Development
Entrepreneurship and Business
Higher Education
Finance Economy
Discussion Chair
Modern Marketing and Management
Notices, Responses

Periodicity of publication is 8 issues per 2 years.

Publiсation Schedule

March 22
June 22
September 22
December 22

Editorial office address:
Russia, 630049
Kirov, Kazanskaya str., 91
phone: +7 (383) 328-03-95
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ВСЭИ: Issues of New Economy
© Вятский социально-экономический институт (схема проезда)

Адрес: г. Киров, ул. Казанская, 91